Answering Questions from the Community (Sept 2022)

9 min readSep 26, 2022


In the past month, Triathon’s CORE platform has made good progress; Ethanim has finished building the 1st version of the RSM node, and Tusima has completed its 1st version of the privacy transaction module. Dr. Ruan started his overseas business trip early this month, and he brought us the latest news about our overseas team building and cooperation.

1. What is the advantage of Trias compared with other competitive projects on the market?

Trias is a Layer ‘-1’ blockchain network. It not only operates beneath the current public chains’ networking layer but also possesses the capability to run underly other large-scale distributed traditional software. Trias’s ultimate goal is to enable all the legacy Web 2.0 applications to operate as trustworthy and reliable as the smart contracts running on public chains. It devotes itself to transforming the way Web 2.0 applications are developed, launched, and operated in the era of Web 3.0.

Therefore, instead of relying on re-implementing Web 2.0 applications as smart contracts and building a faster VM and consensus algorithm to execute them, as most current public chains do, we target directly at transforming the existing Web 2.0 infrastructure to run all legacy codes in a consensus-oriented way. This makes a big difference.

The Web 2.0 application infrastructure comprises various components, which will be redesigned as our different eco-projects. Typically, these include developing and compiling, testing and launching, routing and executing, data manipulating and protecting, service collaborating, and presenting and perceiving.

Divina is a blockchain-based traceable software-building infrastructure that allows each piece of binary code to be traced to its source code, along with the entire compiling and assembling process. In doing so, all the legacy Web 2.0 applications can be audited just like a smart contract. It also implements fine-grained incentive mechanisms for all the developers in the Web 2.0 space. This encourages more decentralized collaborations and contributions and implements a more agile vulnerability identification and reporting environment.

Triathon implements decentralized and community-driven testing and launching, as we have illustrated.

Leviatom implements a decentralized service-mesh network to carry on the responsibility for service routing and executions. It helps each service composing a legacy Web 2.0 application to run in a decentrally and continuously mutual-verifying network. With this network, each service can identify misbehaviors from its communicating peers. Leviatom further encourages volunteer-computing nodes to join the network so that it finally builds a fully-decentralized computing infrastructure to achieve scalability, reliability, and trustworthiness.

On top of our decentralized service-mesh, Octavius implements the Decentralized Function-as-a-Service, the dFaaS. It will allow Web3 applications to interact directly with the Web 2.0 services running on Leviatom, such as web servers, caches, databases, etc. Octavius further implements a consensus-oriented programming model to allow Web 3.0 applications to decide how to build trust in these services discretionarily. In this paradigm, for each call to the function on the Web 2.0 service, the Web 3.0 application will be able to specify a dedicated consensus method, such as “only when 3 out of 5 services, satisfying these service property criteria, return the same result within 10s, will the result be regarded trustworthy”. In this way, we tremendously enrich the functionalities of every Web3 app, while we eliminate the dependence on the centralized cloud infrastructure to host traditional web infrastructure.

Behemotum is the decentralized infrastructure for AI and big data processing. All data is stored in its owner’s local server instead of being gathered in a centralized big data platform. And we build blockchain-based Federated Learning algorithms to achieve fast decentralized data processing. In this way, privacy and data ownership will be better protected, while data owners can still make good earnings from data accessing services they provide. Behemotum, the decentralized AI and big data platform, will fully unleash the true power of big data.

On top of these, Ethanim will implement trustworthy human-machine interfaces and perception experiences for Web3.0 applications. Tusima will provide the whole ecosystem with a privacy-preserving finance infrastructure. We believe that once privacy is guaranteed, the DeFi service can substitute traditional financing services and ultimately reach more users by allowing them to indulge more in the Web 3.0 world.

We define the entire Trias technology stack as the chain-native infrastructure. Our ultimate goal is to decentralize the entire cloud-native industry.

2. Can you update the recent progress that happened on the eco-projects? What updates can the community expect to happen to the three eco-projects in the next few months?

Although the crypto market has been in a down environment this year, our three eco-projects are doing a lot behind the scenes.


In Triathon, the backend CORE platform integrates many automated token testing tools, and we have achieved an automated testing capability that is on par with the industry for the software vulnerability of many existing tokens. Furthermore, Triathon is creating a fuzzy-testing platform targeting blockchain and smart contracts so that users can use our platform, triggered by their NFTs, to automate the simulation of various on-chain anomalies.

This testing will allow users to find problems not detected by static source code analysis. For example, some Defi contracts look reliable from the static smart contract auditing perspective; but when their oracles rely on abnormal results that are not updated promptly, a considerable loss will occur, such as in the previous LUNA-triggered DeFi incidents. In Q4, Triathon’s NFT will implement better interaction with some CORE platform features.

For Ethanim, we have finished building the first version of the RSM (reliable state machine) node, we are testing it internally, and hopefully, a first testnet with Ethanim will come soon. Next, we will develop a core metaverse application on the RSM capability. It will be an LBS-based (Location-based services ) AR social-network application. We have partnered strategically with a prominent AR eyewear manufacturer who will build exclusive AR glasses with a tailored experience for Ethanim.

As for Tusima, we have completed the first version of the privacy transaction module and will start the public testing of the Tusima testnet in Q4. Moreover, the testnet will tightly collaborate with Triathon. Users can learn more about the operation status of the Tusima network through Triathon, and Triathon will open more abnormal testing events for our Tusima testnet. Triathon will open up more simulations of anomalous events for the Tusima testnet, and users can participate in the definition and simulation of some anomalous cases to test Tusima.

Meanwhile, as Tusima adopts the MVD development method, we also want to attract the attention of more volunteers — researchers, developers, investors, etc. — to support the next stage of development. In doing so, we will officially start the ITO of Tusima, hopefully in Q4. We will discuss various aspects of the ITO with the community, such as the number of rounds, the expected performance metrics to achieve, the expected token release and reward mechanisms at each round, etc. This will be a fascinating moment.

In addition, we will have new versions for their websites to further reveal the new understanding in their respective field that we have gained so far. Multiple ambassador plans will be launched as well.

3. Apart from the three eco-projects (Triathon, Ethanim, and Tusima), what about the rest eco-members? Are there any updates about them?

Under the current market environment, we are not rushing into more large-scale team expansions. Instead, we put more time into innovating and accumulating underlying technology. We are conducting technical co-design and in-depth research on these four projects with our joint lab with Oxford, namely Divina, Leviatom, Octavius, and Behemotum. We are working on a few academic papers, due in Q4. We will update some exciting technical developments after we have the paper submitted.

Meanwhile, I am thrilled to tell you that Behemotum has completed the core team building in the UK. I believe it will meet our community in Q4, with a brand new name.

4. Question regarding the Trias mainnet going online.

Trias’s full mainnet will require deep interactions among our seven eco-projects. As each one takes on demanding challenges in their separate field, we will have to build them step-by-step.

On the other hand, as eco-projects progress, their testnets will be opened to developers. Specifically, for Triathon, we will open developer interfaces for more test cases and testing methods. For Tusima, we will allow researchers and developers from different MVDs to integrate their algorithms or protocols into the different versions of our running testnets for Triathon testing. For Ethanim, we will allow 3D AR models to be designed, and LBS-based AR applications to be built, and many more.

5. Question regarding exchange listing

The main goal of Q4 is to implement more utilities for our three eco-project tokens and launch the TRIAS token swap for each of them. We will further carry out more community activities to attract attention to these updates. I am also building a larger overseas operation team for these three projects, and we hope to promote the listing of these three projects when the right time comes.

6. What is the primary advantage of owning the Trias token?

TRIAS holders can

1. swap tokens for different projects using TRIAS in the initial phase of the project and we plan to promote a swap of TRIAS and eco-project tokens in Q4.

2. get project tokens by staking TRIAS, which will be the common economic mechanism for all eco-projects, including Triathon, Ethanim, Tusima and a new and upcoming project.

3. can participate in the construction and governance of all the eco-project with TRIAS — — the governance token.

To sum up, TRIAS holders can participate in all eco-projects and see the complete picture of the whole ecosystem.

7. Recently, there has been news about the loosening of restrictions on crypto in China. Does it have an impact on Trias? And you’ve started your overseas business trip early this month, so how’s it going?

In fact, the restriction on crypto is still not loosening. Due to the influence of recent major domestic events, the restrictions on the industry could be only tighter. We have started to build our oversea teams and will gradually reduce the dependency on researchers and developers in China. This transit may take a few months, and I will try my best to make it as smooth as possible without hurdling the project development too much.

I have stayed in the UK for much of September and have deep communications with our teams in London and Oxford. We have made excellent connections with other projects and research labs. I am truly excited about the atmosphere here and will probably spend more of my time traveling around the UK and Japan in the coming years.

I saw that RevM was asking if there was any cooperation with Professor Bill Roscoe: No, we have not set up official cooperation so far.

But we have been interacting with many research teams from the Computer Department and Mathematics Department of Oxford, and have already got more support. We have also connected with many well-known scholars and professors from Cambridge and Imperial College. We will have more academic collaborations on different eco-projects soon. I look forward to sharing more good news with you in Q4.

As for updates about Trias Japan, due to NDA restrictions, I cannot disclose too much information, but I will be in Japan in October, and I look forward to sharing more information with you then.

8. The Ethereum Merge must be the biggest news that happened recently in the crypto space. Will it have an impact on Trias?

In 2019, we did a live demo of Trias-enhanced Ethereum in Singapore, which had an excellent result. This network has slowly evolved into the prototype of the Tusima network. We have accumulated many privacy-enhanced solutions based on Trias privacy technology. At that time, we thought that if Ethereum moved to PoS, it would allow us to achieve better technical enhancements to it.

The basic principle is to enrich PoS with the underlying trustworthiness assessment score of the Trias network so that we can judge whether a node is trustworthy by the score size calculated in a fully decentralized manner. We have also started further research and functional modification, and we believe that the Tusima network will achieve better performance based on the merged Ethereum.

9. Are there any updates about the cooperation with CertiK?

We have previously had technical discussions with CertiK, but not too much recently. On the other hand, we are working closely with several other senior auditing companies on the design and application of Triathon. Currently, our primary focus is on developing the backend CORE platform. More specifically, the fuzzy testing infrastructure and algorithms for smart contracts and privacy-preserving public chains.

AMA in July & August 2022:

Answering Questions from the Community | by Trias | Jul, 2022 | Medium

Answering Questions from the Community | by Trias | Aug, 2022 | Medium

Attached are 12 community questions with upvotes over 16. They were covered in specific questions above:




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