Trias Mainnet is made up of 7 eco-projects in the Trias ecosystem: Triathon, Tusima, Ethanim, Octavius, Divina, Behemotum, and Leviatom. Each project has its own value proposition, technical architecture, token economy, applications, and ecosystem. On one hand, as individual projects, they each have their own mainnets and are made up of nodes. On the other hand, they are also nodes of Trias Mainnet, forming and maintaining the network, as well as serving specific functions and purposes of the Trias universe.
The relationship between eco-projects and Trias Mainnet is similar to that of galaxies and the universe in which they are located. The galaxy eco-projects, together with their components such as nodes and applications (planets) play different roles and cooperate with each other in the growing Trias Universe. For any machine running in the Trias ecology will have two roles. Just like the Sun in the solar-system and in the Milky Way: being running around by the Earth and running around the Milky Way.
Take Triathon as an example. A specific server supporting Triathon is also the node of Triathon and thus can run the node application on Triathon. Meanwhile, the node also has to implement the applications of the Trias ‘Layer -1’ Network since it has to rely on the ‘Layer -1’ to perform the service. In doing so, the nodes of Triathon altogether with their computing power form a node running on Trias. As an independent project, Triathon has multiple functions including Public Chain Test, Smart Contract Test and ITO (initial testnet offering), which can help investors select high-quality blockchain projects from the community and by the community, i.e. in a bottom up and web3 way. As an eco-project, Triathon acts as a trial field and launcher for the Mainnet, and Trias eco-projects are tested and released through Triathon.
In addition to Triathon, other eco-projects are playing crucial roles for Trias Universe and the whole industry. Tusima is a high-performance Ethereum-compatible public chain where developers can experiment their innovative products and applications in a DAO-like governance. Ethanim is a metaverse infrastructure, which can provide continuous service for all metaverse projects and thus eternalize the world that we are creating.
There are also special galaxies in the Trias Universe, such as Leviatom and Behemotum. In addition to serving their own galaxy, the Leviatom and Behemotum planets travel across the entire Trias universe, serving other galaxies, and ultimately serving the entire Trias universe. More specifically, Leviatom is a trusted consensus layer implemented on trusted hardware, capable of carrying any form of public chain for efficient consensus services. The ‘-1 Layer’ forms the network on which Trias and its DApps are running. Recently, the ‘-1 Layer’ has supported Trias-enhanced BSC in the Triathon Battleground. Behemotum is an AI& Big data platform that leverages blockchain features for more efficient and secure data management, supporting and supporting on-chain data flow.
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