Trias Weekly Report (May 23rd, 2023 –May 29th, 2023)

3 min readMay 29, 2023



Community Updates

  1. Triathon has announced the latest progress on the Contract Vulnerability Bounty Hunter which is expected to be launched on May 29th!

2. Triathon Pizza Festival Family Dinner has been held in the community.

Marketing & Partnerships

Triathon and Gameta have reached a strategic partnership.

Technical Updates

  1. Test-driven mining

A. A Test-driven mining API has been added.

B. The history pop-up box and usage rules pop-up box have been added.

C. The ws connection for test mining has been added.

D. New testing and mining APIs have been added.

2. test-mining-ws

Test-driven mining ws service has been added to monitor detection results and push messages.

3. Tsmartfuzz

Fuzzy testing has been successfully taken and messages have been pushed to redis.

4. CORE static detection

Successful detection has been taken on the CORE platform and message has been sent to redis.

5. Wallet self-check detection

Detection is successful. The message has been pushed to redis.


Community Updates

  1. Winners of #Phase 2#Bastet Soul NFTs Whitelist have been announced and rewards have been sent.

2. Rewards for #Bitcoin #PizaDay🍕 Bastet NFTs Giveaway Winners have been sent.

3. Ethanim released #Phase 3#Bastet Soul NFTs Whitelist Giveaway campaigns

4. Rewards for MetaChat Ambassador Giveaway campaign have been sent.

5. New feature has come online — — invite your friends to buy Loot Box to get tEPU rewards.

6. Ethanim released ‘Invite friends to the community to get Bastet Soul NFT’.

Technology Updates

  1. The problem that users encountered multiple requests for signatures when switching wallet addresses has been resolved.


Community Updates

  1. A quick Tusima roadmap has been updated.

2. Tusima devs participated in @EDCON2023 in Montenegro over the past weekend.

3. Tusima has joined in @see_dao’s SeeUinLondon DemoDay as a community partner.

Technical Updates

  1. The Tusima stress testing bot is under development.
  2. The use of wallet components for cross-chain bridges is under research.
  3. The basic front-end framework of the cross-chain bridge wallet is under development.
  4. Zealy’s API access is under development.

Product Development

  1. The Tusima Cross-chain bridge product requirements document is under design.
  2. The cross-chain bridge Gas fees and economic models are being designed and discussed.
  3. The multilingual version of the point-based AMM redemption program is being proofread.




Written by Trias

Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems

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