In order to make you have an easy understanding about Trias in a comprehensive manner, we will publish project weekly report. The Trias project weekly report includes product development progress, market operations, etc. Please stay tuned.
The following is the weekly report of Trias last week (Jun 03, 2019 — Jun 09, 2019):
I. Project Progress
(Note: For the github link below, only users who have verifier permissions can access to part of the contents in it. Welcome to apply for Trias verifier program)
1. Development Progress
(1) Smart contract in version V1 of Trias stable coin; for the code of the contract and readme, please see PR:
(2) The Trias SDK was added with the function of privacy address, that is, using the existing random string to generate an interface for the account to adapt to the scenario where the mobile wallet creates an account:trias-lab/tribc: Pull Request 7
(3) From L-layer Streamnet, Trias began to provide a gossip interface of unified design
(4) Completed the continuous integration process of the deb packets of Ubuntu 18 of Trias TEE
(5) Completed the modification and on-line demonstration of the Demo system for evidence preserving of Japanese trusted blockchain
(6) L-layer DAG front end of Trias supports registration of V1 version:triasteam/StreamNet: Pull Request 98
(7) L-layer DAG of Trias pushes UT before the genesis process:triasteam/StreamNet: Pull Request 100
(8) L-layer DAG of Trias adds one-button performance test:triasteam/StreamNet: Pull Request 97
(9) Raft algorithm in Demo version (V1) of Trias has been completed, and the first edition of the Chinese and English manuals have all been completed:
2. Technical White Paper:
(1) Updated the unified gossip interface of Streamnet;
(2) Improved the leadership election system of the raft algorithm.
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