To help the readers more conveniently and more comprehensively understand Trias, we will publish a weekly project report on every Monday. The contents of each weekly project report will include the product development progresses, the current market operation, etc. Please pay your attention to it.
The following is the weekly report of Trias for the last week (from April 22, 2019 to April 28, 2019):
Project progresses:
1. Development progresses:
(1) The transaction function with hidden addresses has been successfully integrated into Wallet of Test Network V1.
(2)The invoicing component of odoo has been successfully integrated into the test network of Trias V1 and the data for invoicing can be directly applied in the blockchain.
(3) The configuration strategy of the peer node of the hyperledger has been successfully connected with the bottom layer of Trias V1.
(4)The random disorder problem of the DAG broadcast sorting in Layer L1 of Trias is being solved and the degree of completion has reached 70%.
2. White paper progresses:
The consistency strategy of the DAG broadcast sorting algorithm has been changed and improved.