Trias Ecosystem ‘NetX’ Unveiled and Explored: Insights from the 2024 Decentralised AI Summit in London

8 min readMay 7, 2024


In an era where the call for decentralization grows louder Dr. Anbang Ruan introduced a groundbreaking network of blockchains at the Decentralized AI Summit in London, aimed at transforming the internet landscape. NetX, powered by TRIAS Layer -1 Technology, proposes a shift from the centralized web 2.0 to a decentralized, user-centric web 3.0.

NetX: A Network of Blockchains Enabled by TRIAS Layer -1 Technology

The current web is fragmented, with individual platforms acting as isolated islands of data and functionality. NetX and their seven components promises a revolutionary shift, where the first three components, Leviatom, Tusima, and Triathon — all powered by TRIAS Layer -1 technology — can seamlessly communicate and collaborate. This interoperability unlocks a future brimming with possibilities.

Here’s what this future holds:

  • Unmatched User Experience: Web 3.0 with NetX’s interoperable blockchains eliminates the need to navigate isolated platforms. Users can access the vast resources of the web in a more user-friendly and efficient manner.
  • Streamlined Processes: AI assistants can automate tasks like contract generation and security checks, significantly reducing friction and expediting service delivery.
  • Innovation on Steroids: Seamless communication between blockchains within NetX allows developers to leverage the unique functionalities of each platform. This fosters a more vibrant and innovative decentralized landscape.
  • User & Business Economy: Users & Businesses provide different kinds of resources & services and can share the revenue they jointly created
  • Intent-Driven Architecture: Developing simple smart contract architectures that are easy to operate while enjoying the network’s powerful features.
  • Personal Data Hub: Establishing a crucial API to understand user needs without invading privacy, allowing users to express their needs without directly interacting with centralized entities.

NetX, by uniting Leviatom, Tusima, and Triathon under its umbrella, paves the way for this interoperable future. This collaborative approach lays the foundation for a more efficient, user-centric, and dynamic web experience.

Understanding the TRIAS and NetX Ecosystem: Technology, Tokens, and Governance

The relationship between TRIAS -1 Layer Tech and NetX is foundational and synergistic, characterized by a dynamic interplay where growth in one fosters expansion in the other. TRIAS -1 Layer Tech, which is also known as the Trust Smart Chain, serves as the underlying infrastructure where all projects utilizing this technology are housed. This includes major components such as Leviatom, Tusima, and Triathon, each contributing unique functionalities to the ecosystem.

NetX, in contrast, represents the collection of all ecosystem projects connected through the TRIAS -1 Layer Tech. It acts as the cohesive fabric that binds these individual projects, facilitating their interaction and interoperability. As the ecosystem expands with more projects, NetX grows correspondingly, driving increased utilization and reliance on the foundational TRIAS -1 tech. This growth not only enhances the capabilities of the NetX ecosystem but also underscores the importance and utility of the TRIAS -1 Layer Tech as the backbone that supports and enables this expanding network.

Essentially, TRIAS -1 Layer Tech provides the critical infrastructure and technological support that allows the NetX ecosystem to thrive. As new projects are developed and integrated into the NetX fabric, they leverage the robust, secure, and efficient foundation provided by the TRIAS -1 tech, leading to a natural and mutually beneficial growth of both the infrastructure and the operational ecosystem. This interdependence ensures that as NetX evolves and expands, it simultaneously contributes to the broader application and enhancement of TRIAS technology.

Within this integrated framework, the TRIAS ecosystem employs distinct tokens each serving specific functions. The primary token, $TRIAS, acts as the core token for the Trust Smart Chain. Meanwhile, $TAS functions as the gas token, utilized specifically for covering the costs of transactions and operations on the Trust Smart Chain, ensuring the smooth and efficient execution of processes. $TAS can only be obtained through $TRIAS. Lastly, $NGT stands as the governance token for the entire NetX ecosystem. This structured approach to token use not only delineates clear roles and utilities within the ecosystem but also enhances governance and operational efficiency across the various interconnected platforms.

NetX on Trust Smart Chain

NetX leverages the TRIAS Layer -1 technology to ensure robust, secure, and decentralized operation of its ecosystem. This integration allows for:

  • Enhanced Security and Decentralization: By running on the TRIAS Layer -1 technology, NetX benefits from an inherently secure and decentralized infrastructure, critical for protecting user data and ensuring reliable service delivery through interoperability and communication between all layers.
  • Scalability and Efficiency: The TRIAS mainnet provides the scalability needed to handle the vast amount of transactions and interactions within the NetX ecosystem, ensuring efficiency and responsiveness.
  • Unified Ecosystem Operation: All components of NetX — Leviatom, Tusima, and Triathon — integrate seamlessly within the TRIAS Layer -1 mainnet nodes, providing a unified operational framework that enhances user experience and system functionality as well as token economics.

The First Three Components of NetX

NetX is comprised of seven critical components, each designed to facilitate a specific aspect of the decentralized web experience. Anbang highlighted three components to be present in the first version of NetX:

  1. Leviatom: At the core of the transformation, Leviatom uses dual-chain blockchain technology to enable a decentralized function-as-a-service (FaaS) infrastructure. It allows smart contracts to orchestrate microservices, thereby facilitating the composition and operation of web 2.0 services in a decentralized format. This integration promises enhanced security and scalability across the board.
  2. Tusima: Tusima addresses the challenges of big data in the decentralized space. By employing zkBridge and zkEVM Layer 2 technologies, Tusima ensures privacy-preserving, cross-chain data and asset interoperability. This layer provides the means for seamless and secure data transactions across various blockchain environments without compromising user privacy.
  3. Triathon: Triathon represents the next generation of AI platforms, providing a decentralized space for AI development. It enables AI models to train other AI models, promoting an ecosystem where AI evolves autonomously, guided by user interactions and needs. TDO (Test-Driven Offering), exclusive to Triathon, serves as a platform dedicated to fundraising for top-tier projects. Triathon conducts thorough testing tailored to each project’s specific circumstances. Upon successful completion of the testing phase, the project gains access to ecological TDO, bolstering its growth within the NetX ecosystem.

Economic Model of NetX

The economic structure of NetX is designed to incentivize and reward all network participants, including users, developers, and service providers. This model is built on the principle of participatory growth, where contributions are directly rewarded, fostering a sustainable and thriving digital ecosystem.

  • Users, who provide valuable data and feedback through their interactions, shaping the development and refinement of services.
  • Builders and Developers, who create diverse and robust applications and services, enriching the NetX marketplace and ecosystem.
  • Data Providers, who offer essential data that fuel the operational and analytical capabilities of the network.

This economic framework ensures that every contribution to the network is recognized and rewarded, thereby encouraging a thriving community of developers, users, and service providers.

Hatching Decentralized Intelligent Autonomous Systems

The concept of ‘Hatching Decentralized Intelligent Autonomous Systems’ within NetX revolves around the idea of a network that dynamically adjusts its components based on real-time feedback from users. This dynamic adjustment promotes the development of intelligent systems that evolve with their users, leading to more effective and personalized digital services.

Roadmap: A Phased Approach to Decentralization

The rollout of NetX is planned in meticulous detail through several phases, each designed to build on the previous and expand the network’s capabilities:

  1. Infrastructure Construction: Establishing the core functionalities with Leviatom, Tusima, and Triathon. This phase focuses on creating a robust framework for decentralized computing and data management, as well as launching AI functionalities.
  2. Migration and Integration: Migrating existing applications and data onto the NetX network while ensuring they integrate seamlessly with the new decentralized features. This phase is crucial for maintaining continuity of service for existing web 2.0 applications and users.
  3. Open Ecosystem Development: Enabling an open ecosystem where users can manage their digital assets, interact with AI products, and utilize business services directly from their Web3 wallets. This phase also emphasizes providing developers with the tools needed to build and deploy applications quickly and efficiently.
  4. Innovation and Evolution: Continuously enhancing the infrastructure, expanding functionalities, and improving the overall user experience. This final phase focuses on fostering innovation, encouraging collaboration among network participants, and adapting to emerging user needs and technological advancements.

NetX Mainnet Progress: Phased Migration & Launch

As previously mentioned in April, the first phase of NetX mainnet launch has begun. We’re excited to launch the NetX Mainnet as well as Testnet in May; at that stage, $TRIAS holders who have migrated will be able to claim their new $TRIAS TEP-20 coin, and shortly thereafter engage in trading on exchanges when listing agreements are finalized. This migration marks a pivotal moment for TRIAS as we align our ecosystem with the robust infrastructure of the NetX Mainnet, ensuring enhanced security, scalability, and efficiency.

As we continue to expand our offerings and partnerships, the integration of TEP-20 coins into the NetX ecosystem will further bolster its functionality and accessibility, ushering in a new era of decentralized innovation.

Anbang Ruan concluded his presentation by emphasizing the potential of NetX: “With NetX running on the TRIAS mainnet, we are not just building a platform; we are shaping the future of how decentralized ecosystems operate, interact, and evolve. Our roadmap is ambitious, but it reflects our commitment to driving forward the frontier of decentralized technology.

In summary, NetX is set to redefine the web’s infrastructure, offering a decentralized, secure, and user-focused platform powered by the robust TRIAS mainnet, promising a revolutionary shift in how digital services are delivered and experienced. You can expect more announcements regarding partnerships & progress in the coming months.

This article is brought to you by @BitByBitScholar, one of the many committed builders within the Trias community.




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