Recap of Trias AMA on Mainnet

9 min readDec 7, 2021


On December 7th, we held a CEO AMA on Mainnet. Dr. Ruan shared some details about Mainnet with Triasurers, including nodes, Trias ecosystems and Trias vision. Following is the recap.

Here is our AMA session,

1. Online interview. Dr. Ruan will answer some of the questions we’ve collected before.

2.Free Q&A session by Dr. Ruan and Community members. Dr. Ruan will pick questions to answer.

Part 1: Online Interview

1. What does the rest of Q4 look like for Trias? What has the tech team been up to?

Well, it has been busy, productive, and also challenging. We have been working on building our Mainnet 3.0 and Triathon. We have also been pushing forward numerous collaobrations in Japan through our TriasJapan initiative. Moreover, we have depicted a new roadmap for the next 3 years, including the building of a few more new ecosystem projects beyond Triathon. We will be addressing various topics in a few more AMAs in the rest of Q4. Today, let’s focus on the Mainnet. It is quite a very different creature. It might be quite hard for many to grasp at the very first moment. It might also be a bit beyond the expectation of quite a few. I will try my best to explain it in as simple words as I could. Well, I’m actually feeling like having my Phd dissertation defence.

2. What kind of nodes will we be able to run?

The ‘-1’ layer network architecture is completely different from other public chains. To put it simple, just as the Earth acts as a node in the solar system and the solar system acts as a node in the Galaxy, one node in the ‘-1’ layer is a public chain itself. So, building the full Mainnet for Trias, we are not building just one public chain. Not two, not three. But Seven. There will be 7 public chain projects to be released in total in the coming year. Each of them, will have its own ecosystem, own token economics, own nodes, own applications. Each of them, will serve a specific and critical purpose for building the Trustworthy and Reliable Inteligent Autonomous System, a.k.a the TRIAS. And they will altogether compose the whole Trias Mainnet. As a matter of fact, we are already in the process of launching our Mainnet. You are all already participated in it: the Triathon. It is the first and the most significant one Among all the 7:
1) it serves as Testnet of Trias. Triathon heavily depends on the Trias’s layer -1 network. Running tests on Triathon, actually challenges the performance, stability, scalability of the layer -1.
2) The ITO (initial testnet offering) method will be one of the main token distribution methods for the other 6 core projects. Therefore, Triathon will become the launcher for the other part of our mainnet.
3) Eventually, the testing and the ITO will further cover all the dapps running on the mainnet of the other 6 projects. As Triathon evolves and other 6 eco-projects are launched, all the eco-application attached to the eco-projects in Trias will be released by Triathon.

So for individuals, participating in nodes of 7 eco projects is the way to participate in the Trias Mainnet.
Currently, with Triathon, we will first begin the Reversible SwapAuction (ReSA). You can stake-swap TRIAS in exchange for the GEON. Later, when the node auction for Triathon starts, you can stake TRIAS as the generator for more GEON. We released Triathon Economic Whitepaper last week. We will also have another AMA for Triathon soon.

3. How will nodes work?

Any machine in the Trias ecology will have two roles. Just like the Sun in the solar-system and in the Milky Way: being running around by the Earth and running around the Milky Way. Any machine will be running the nodes of its ecoprojects as well as altogether running a node of Trias. i. e. a server supporting Triathon is also the node of Triathon and will run the node application on triathon. Also, the nodes has to implement the applications of the Trias layer -1 network since they have to rely on the Layer -1. and in doing so, the chain (Triathon) can become a node running on Trias.

4. how much to run a node? How many TRIAS are needed?

So, running a full node is equivalent to running an entire public chain, so it will certainly be very expensive. Thinking about having a chain running underneath Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana, BSC etc, and making them as nodes. But investors can participate in running for Trias eco-project nodes, and the cost will depend on the specific requirements of the project.

5. How can I run code?

as mentioned above, a node in Trias network represents a whole public chain and there are many Dapps attached to different public chains. the code running on Triathon testing platform is the testing code of each public chain under testing. Triathon will test the code of attacking and smart contracts. Triathon will introduce code-generating NFT very soon. Users can get their unique NFTs by deploying code on Triathon. NFTs are packaged with programming logic. Just like playing legos, participators joining in the test can create testing process by combining different testing codes. This is also the Triathon thinking: testing by playing games. moreover, for codes compatible with Ethereum, they can also be compatible with the EVM code which is the enhanced BSC mentioned above. we will release it in the next few weeks.

6. Will Trias be a native token on its Mainnet?

Yes. But the native tokens will only be valuable after ecoprojects are built and connected to the main network. This process has alreadly started since the release of Triathon, and will continue through the next year.

7. Can all blockchains run on trias?

Yes. Trias is a ‘-1’ layer infra and supports other blockchains. As mentioned in the recent article, our Trias-enhanced BSC chain has improved the BSC in various aspects, e.g. security and scalability. We will keep enhancing it, and start to test it through Triathon. It will be initiated in the next few weeks through the try-run process of Triathon. And, as you have already guessed, it will become the next ecosystem project we are launching. Well, I will certainly have another AMA very soon to talk about it.

8. How will Triathon nodes differ from Trias nodes? Requirements?

As mentioned above, the Triathon node will run its own node program to satisfy its own application configuration. In addition, all the Triathon nodes will be running Trias ‘-1’ layer program. This means, all Triathon nodes is a part of one Trias node. The sum of the computing power of all the Triathon nodes form a node of Trias. Just as an individual is a node of a nation, which is also a node of the entire world. Node communications between countries are the synthesis of the communications of all individuals, which is a concept stemmed from Thomas Hobb’s Leviathan. This brilliant idea makes the ‘-1’ layer of Trias called Leviatom.

9. Could you explain the burning system of Trias please?

Burning mechanisms of Trias benefit all TRIAS holders as it results in deflationary token economics and appreciates the token value. Trias, on one hand, provides DSaaS products and services for traditional companies and clients and it periodically buyback tokens from staking auction and burn to deflate the economy. On the other hand, Trias is building and incubating eco-projects which grow Trias ecosystem. Funds raised during the token offerings of the new projects will be partly bought back by Trias Foundation. For example, the Foundation will buy back at least 50% TRIAS raised by Triathon and burn accordingly.

10. Is there a way I can show someone the Trias mainnet working in action?

Mainnet development process is reported in our weekly updates. I understand many of the updates are quite technical, quite hard to understand. but, it is the nature of the way that we have chosen. I believe for many of you, reading the whitepapers or tech updates for Bitcoin or Ethereum had been quite hard a few years ago. and now seems everyone can talk about how they work easily. we could certainly choose an easy way, to build something “really like the ethereum”. but, someone has to choose the hard way to create something new. We already have an explorer running and showing the key data, such as transactions and ranking nodes, of the Testnets of Trias. As Triathon goes live, we have been upgrading the explorer to demo more characteristics of the -1 network and other tested-chains it supports. We’ll be releasing more Triathon testing functionalities in the next week or two.

11. Would Triathon and other projects in Trias ecosystem run on Trias mainnet after mainnet is online?

Yes, they will. Eco projects, including Triathon, constitute the nodes of Trias network. When the mainnet of Trias is launched, both individuals and institutions can participate in the nodes auction and get TRIAS and other economic incentives. The triahton nodes auction will soon be coming.

12. Will we have also a wallet on mainnet launch?

The wallet is being developed, which is not only the Trias wallet but also the App for Triathon test platform. Users will be able to use wallets to participate in future token offerings and enjoy GameFi and Defi features.

13. What will happen with the current Trias tokens on the current chains like ETH, BSC, HECO? Will it be migrated, tokenswap etc. to the native mainnet token?

Trias, as a -1 layer, values interoperability and integration of the increasingly-segmented blockchain industry. Therefore, we grow our ecosystem to layer 1& layer 2 chains and make TRIAS accessible in different chains.

Eventually tokens will be moved to the Trias mainnet, but this will not happen until several major ecoprojects come online. Mainnet token will be closely related to the technology structure and econ model of several ecoprojects and thus require time for preparation. On the other hand, in the short term, TRIAS tokens in ERC20, BEP20 and HECO will enable ETH BSC and HECO community to expand to our ecology. For example, Triathon will soon begin to test the BSC ecosystem, not only on the BSC chain itself, but also on various smart contracts on the BSC. Recently, TRIAS has just crossed chain onto HECO. We will do similar tests for HECO and other public chains in the future.

We will keep our mind and system open to embrace investors and community from different chains.

14. Is 100k TPS the maximum speed Trias can run?

With the help of TEE technology and HCGraph algorithm, Trias is able to increase its TPS while being decentralized.

At present, the maximum theoretical value is 100K, and it will reach a higher level with optimized algorithms. In addition, TPS in the application environment depends on many non-algorithmic factors, including hardware configuration, CPU, bandwidth, etc. We will focus on improving the performance of real-world environments. With the release of a new version of Traithon, users can join in the test and witness the TPS and other features’ demonstration running on the Trias enhanced BSC. this is a way of making the test more community-driven and decentralized.

15. What is going to be the difference between mainnet 2.0 and mainnet 3.0 that is supposed to be released this Q?

Mainnet 1.0 and 2.0 are Mainnets in forms that mainly provide product and infra services for enterprises in China, while 3.0 will be more open to the chain-native services. With the launch of our Mainnet and Triathon platform, we will gradually launch our enterprise applications and services on Triathon by testing, as well as develop more eco projects to Trias Mainnet to enrich the whole ecosystem.

Part 2: Free Q&A

1. COVID 19 has slowed down many economies around the world but as a crypto business, does it affect you negatively or positively? Are you still on track to achieve your goals or are you planning a new development?

Regarding our Crypto part, Trias 3.0 and our following projects, no. But regarding our business part, our original to expand our Chinese use cases globally, and execise our revenue buy-back and burning, yes.

2.Will there be staking?

Definitely, coming very soon.

3. I am an EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER AND ETHICAL HACKER, does you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosytem periodically and also invite developers to build?

Triathon is the battleground for the Ethnical Hackers all over the world

4.whats your vision?

Reinvent the Internet.

5. So basically, if you put eth sol dot bsc on trias, you dont need a bridge, its crosschain always right

The layer -1 is itself a bridge. just one difference, it is the bridge working in the underground layer, so no one has to interact with it, actually, no one sees it. it can make the cross-chain way much better and easier.

6. Question about new listing.

It has always been product first. And, to answer many of you, we have been talking to many exchanges very actively. Not only for Trias, but for the coming chains as well. we are planning very carefully and strategically.




Written by Trias

Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems

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