NetX Ecosystem Testnet Tutorial

5 min readMay 14, 2024


We’re excited to announce the official launch of the NetX testnet! To make sure you have a seamless experience, our team has put together a detailed tutorial.

The tutorial covers everything you need to get started, including adding the TSC Testnet to your wallet, claiming testnet tokens from the faucet, and more.

We’re incredibly grateful for the support of our community over the years, and we invite you to join us on this exciting journey by participating in the NetX testnet. Build with us, and let’s shape the future of the NetX ecosystem together!

NetX Testnet Tutorial:

🔸Add TSC Testnet to the wallet

1.1 Add testnet to the MetaMask through Website

  1. Visit testnet TSC block explorer:
  2. Head over to the bottom of the navigation area, Click “Add TSC Testnet network” button to add TSC Testnet Network.

3. Click “Approve” to confirm adding the TSC Testnet network to your MetaMask wallet.

1.2 Add the Testnet to MetaMask(desktop) manually

Open your MetaMask wallet on your computer.

  1. Click the network button in the top left corner.
  2. Select “Add a network
  3. Choose “Add a network manually
  4. Enter the following information:

Network name: TSC Testnet


Chain ID: 820522

Currency symbol: tTAS

Block explorer URL:

Once you’ve completed the steps above, you should see the TSC Testnet network listed in your MetaMask wallet. You can switch to this network to interact with the TSC Testnet.

1.3 Add the TSC Testnet to Mobile Wallet

While we used TokenPocket as an example, the process for adding the TSC Testnet is similar for other mobile wallets like MetaMask, safepal and Trust Wallet. You’ll generally find the option to add a custom network in the wallet’s settings or network selection area. The specific steps might vary slightly, but the information you need to enter (network name, RPC URL, chain ID, symbol, and block explorer URL) will remain the same.

  1. Open the TokenPocket app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap the network button in the upper right corner (it might look like a globe or a list of networks).
  3. Select “Select Network.”
  4. Scroll down and tap “Add a Custom Network.
  5. Enter the following details:

Network name: TSC Testnet


Chain ID: 820522

Currency symbol: tTAS

Block explorer URL:

6. Tap “Save.”

You should now see the TSC Testnet listed as an available network in your TokenPocket wallet.

🔸Claim NetX testnet tokens

Whether you are a new user who just gets to know about the NetX ecosystem, or a developer who plans to develop Dapp on the NetX ecosystem, you are warmly welcomed to experience the NetX testnet and claim testnet tokens through the Faucet Dapp.

Detailed tutorial on how to claim testnet tokens from Faucet.

Our team has developed a Faucet where you can easily claim test tokens for the NetX testnet. In addition to the tTAS, you can also get test tokens for NGT, TRIAS, and USDT.

How to Use the Faucet:

  1. Open the Faucet: Visit the following URL:
  2. Enter Your Wallet Address: In the designated field, enter the TEP20 address of your EVM-compatible wallet (e.g., MetaMask, TokenPocket, Trust Wallet).
  3. Click Claim: Click the “Claim” button next to the token you want to receive (tTAS, NGT, TRIAS, or USDT).

Important Note: If your wallet balance exceeds 10,000 tTAS, you won’t be able to claim additional tTAS for 24 hours. Please wait and try again later.

🔸 Testnet token contract

NetX Governance Token (NGT) : 0x1B73A4F56Fe798972a0308Bc47e10068a407BC05

Trias Token (TRIAS) : 0x83A90457341fEb18603c365Ffb35A3132FFb1724

USDT (USDT): 0x89DFB33408210A76f2d8A62f62aD78FBdd6B50F3

🔸 Add Testnet token contract to your wallet

1. How to add a testnet token to your wallet on PC.

1)How to quickly add Trias testnet tokens with MetaMask:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on “Add testnet token
  3. Check your MetaMask wallet to see the tokens

2)Add Custom tokens Manually

Here we take the OKX wallet as an example.

  1. Open the OKX Wallet extension on your computer.
  2. Scroll down the main page and click “Currency Management”.
  3. Find the section for adding a custom token.
  4. Enter the contract address of the testnet token.
  5. Click “Add” and then “Save”.
  6. The testnet token will now appear in your wallet.

2. How to add a testnet token to your wallet on Mobile.

Custom add

Take Onekey wallet as an example.

Open Onekey wallet on the Mobile. Then please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Assets: On the home page, find and tap the “+” button on the right side of the “Assets” section.
  2. Manage tokens: A menu will appear. Select “Manage tokens.”
  3. Add custom token: Choose the option to “Add custom tokens.”
  4. Enter the token name and contract address of the testnet token.
  5. Add and Confirm: Tap “Add” to confirm the details. You should now be able to see the testnet token in your wallet.

The launch of the NetX testnet marks a new chapter for the NetX ecosystem. And the team is very grateful to the community members for their continued support and encouragement. Let’s join forces and craft an exciting new chapter for the NetX ecosystem!

The NetX team




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