NETX Ecosystem Future Outlook

4 min readJun 7, 2024


Dear Trias community:

The NETX ecosystem migration is in full swing! With the launch of TAS rewards and the Reclaim function, the deadline for the first phase of migration is approaching. We are delighted to see the community’s enthusiastic response and active participation in the mainnet migration. Thank you for your continued support!

Now, let’s share our plans and roadmap for the NETX ecosystem. As a brand-new upgrade, NETX integrates the core capabilities of our ecosystem projects and will present itself with a fresh new look.

Here’s the future outlook for the testnet, mainnet and token utility.

Testnet Major Upgrade

Since the launch of the token faucet on the testnet, our technical team has been working tirelessly to develop and explore more features. We are excited to announce a major upgrade to the testnet!

Around June 20th, the testnet will introduce the following new features:

  • Token Creation: You will be able to freely create and issue your own tokens on the testnet, experiencing the charm of token economics.
  • Smart Contract Creation: By writing and deploying smart contracts, you can build decentralized applications (DApps) on the testnet, enabling more automated and trustworthy interactions.
  • DApp Deployment: Deploy your developed DApps on the testnet for more users to experience and provide valuable feedback.

This upgrade will provide developers with a broader stage to unleash their creativity and build innovative applications on a testnet that closely resembles a real environment. We encourage all developers to actively participate in testing and build a more complete blockchain ecosystem with us.

Developer Program Launch

To better support developers, we will also launch a developer program. We will provide a range of resources and support, including:

  • Technical Documentation and Tutorials: Detailed technical documentation and tutorials to help you get started quickly.
  • Developer Community: A vibrant developer community where you can exchange experiences and share insights with other developers.
  • Developer Incentives: We will launch a developer incentive program to encourage active participation in testing and development. The possibilities here are endless, and individual developers (or organizations) will be able to build all sorts of DeFi dapps, such as DEXes, lending platforms and more.

NetX Mainnet Updates:

We are pleased to share the latest progress on the NetX mainnet phase. Here is the detailed timeline:

  • June 30th: Cutoff date to commit to the first phase of migration: Users who have not yet committed their $TRIAS tokens to migration should make sure to do so before then.
  • Week 1 and 2 of July: Users need to sign agreements/disclaimers regarding migration risks. Please read and understand the relevant terms carefully.
  • July (Target): We plan to complete all deployment work in July, including releasing the updated TSC mainnet and distributing TEP-20 tokens to users who have committed to migrating and signed the risk agreement.

We understand the importance of the mainnet launch and token distribution to everyone, so we will take extra precautions to ensure the entire process is secure. Because your valuable assets are involved, caution is our top priority!

We will do our best to complete all work in July. If unexpected situations arise, we will inform you promptly.

$TRIAS Utility Functions on the Mainnet:

  1. -1 Layer Trust Node Staking: $TRIAS plays a vital role in the NetX ecosystem by providing trusted computing power. Users can stake $TRIAS to become nodes and actively participate in network security maintenance, ensuring the stable operation of the NetX ecosystem and earning rewards while doing so.
  2. “Key” for Enterprise-Level Access: For enterprise-level users who need full access to the NetX platform’s functions and use multiple ecosystems simultaneously, holding $TRIAS as a staking node will be a prerequisite to participate in and enjoy NetX’s services.
  3. Ecosystem Exchange — Obtain $NGT and $TAS: $TRIAS holders can acquire NetX governance tokens (NGT) through the ecosystem exchange mechanism, allowing them to vote on the future direction of NetX development. Additionally, $TAS (the token required to pay fees for all basic operations and tasks on the NetX mainnet) can only be obtained by holding and using $TRIAS. This will significantly increase the demand and liquidity of $TRIAS, bringing more value to its holders.
  4. “Bridge” for Cross-Ecosystem Communication: $TRIAS will become the necessary medium for communication and data interaction between NetX and other ecosystems such as Tusima, Leviatom, and Triathon. This means that $TRIAS will play a key role in the interconnection of the NetX ecosystem.

The launch of these new features will greatly enhance the utility value of $TRIAS, making it not just a token but an indispensable circulation “fuel,” a cross-ecosystem “bridge,” and an enterprise-level “key” in the NetX ecosystem.

And this is just the beginning — More utility for $TRIAS will be announced in the future! We firmly believe that as these functions gradually roll out, the application scenarios of $TRIAS will continue to expand, and its intrinsic value will be further unleashed.


The NETX ecosystem is developing rapidly, and various plans are progressing steadily. Thank you for your active participation and support. Let’s look forward to the official launch of the NetX mainnet and the implementation of the new $TRIAS utility functions. In the future, we will continue to work together to create a more prosperous, open, and innovative blockchain ecosystem!


Trias Team




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