NetX Ecosystem: Further updates on the NetX Mainnet and NetX Testnet

5 min readMay 20, 2024

Dear Trias Community:

We want to start by saying thank you for the incredible interest and support you’ve shown towards the NetX ecosystem!

Since the launch of the NetX TSC testnet on May 14th, 2024, we’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of valuable feedback we’ve received. Due to the sheer volume of feedback, we’ve opted to compile our responses into an article.

We truly appreciate your continued enthusiasm for the NetX ecosystem, and we’ve carefully reviewed your suggestions and feedback. Please read on for the details. If you have any further questions, we’d be happy to hear from you.

(1) What’s the connection between the mainnet and testnet? And what is the purpose of launching the NetX TSC Testnet?

The mainnet and testnet are closely linked, with the testnet serving as a trial version of the future mainnet. The testnet shares similar functionality with the mainnet and is primarily used for rapid project development and early community access.

There are two main reasons for launching the NetX TSC Testnet:

First, it allows community members to fully experience some features in a testnet environment, giving them a foundational understanding of the mainnet.

Second, stress testing on the testnet provides valuable data to ensure the mainnet’s stability and smooth operation after deployment.

(2) When can developers participate in building the NetX ecosystem?

The NetX ecosystem is still in its early stages. We will allow developers to start building after completing the following work:

  • Open the GitHub repository to the public: We will soon open the core code base and development tools for the NetX mainnet on Github.
  • Release Technical Documentation: We will release technical documentation and guidebooks to help developers understand the NetX ecosystem’s technical architecture and development process.
  • Announce the Developer Program: We will announce the details of the Developer Program and the application process shortly after we open Github.

(3) What’s the connection among Triathon, Tusima, and Leviatom in the NetX ecosystem?

The NetX network is a next-generation #blokchain chain platform built on trusted computing technology. It serves as the foundation for the TRIAS ecosystem’s development, aiming for coordinated ecological development and a new economic structure. Its core structure consists of multiple ecological projects that carry key functions, with Triathon, Tusima, and Leviatom currently undergoing capability integration and access within the NetX network. The functions of other projects will also be integrated in the future.

Currently, the NetX ecosystem has completed product design and interaction for three projects:

Triathon: Interprets human needs, helping users transform them into services or functions and automatically generating contracts.

Leviatom: Operates as the backbone of the NetX ecosystem, acting as a decentralized cloud computing infrastructure network. Its main functions include orchestrating decentralized computing nodes, scheduling microservices, establishing consensus mechanisms for various computing tasks, supporting application deployment and generation, and enabling the migration of Web 2.0 applications to Web3.

Tusima: Provides full-stack privacy-preserving financial functions within the NetX ecosystem, accelerating data processing without compromising strict data security and privacy standards, and enabling applications to find and use private data.

NetX dynamically adjusts the connection relationship between each element in these three components to form a new type of intelligent entity, achieving the goal of co-evolution with humans. In the future, everyone can use the NetX network to achieve any function or service they desire.

(4) How are TRIAS, NGT, and TAS connected and valuable within the NetX ecosystem?

$TRIAS is the exclusive means of acquiring $TAS within the NetX ecosystem.

$TAS functions as the GAS token for the Mainnet, facilitating network operations and ecological growth.

$NGT serves as the governance token for the Mainnet. NGT holders can participate in the governance and decision-making processes of the NetX network, collaboratively shaping its future direction and fostering community autonomy and transparency.

(5) What new features and upgrades can we expect in the NetX ecosystem?

Based on community feedback, several exciting enhancements are anticipated within the NexT ecosystem:

  • Open Node Election: Community members will have the opportunity to stake their tokens and become NetX network nodes, increasing decentralization and participation.
  • Developer Program: The ecosystem will invite select developers from the community to join a specialized program, granting them access to resources and support for building on the NetX platform.
  • Smart Contract Development Support: Developers will be provided with resources to build and test smart contracts on the NetX network, fostering innovation and expanding the ecosystem’s capabilities.
  • Network Application Deployment: The ecosystem will facilitate the creation and deployment of various network applications on the NetX network, further enriching its functionality and utility

If you have further questions regarding the four phases of the NetX ecosystem development, please refer to the detailed resources provided:

Phase Details: Thoroughly review the materials detailing why the NetX mainnet launch is structured in four phases.

NetX TSC Testnet Features: Understand that the NetX TSC testnet is continuously evolving, with new features being added regularly. These enhancements will align with the mainnet development roadmap. For specific details on existing testnet features, refer to here.

The NetX team is actively progressing on the development of the NetX testnet and the mainnet. Additional Dapp features are in the pipeline and will be launched soon.

🔥Two news for the community:

1. NetX Mainnet Token Reverse Bridge: Users will soon have the ability to reverse bridge their TRIAS tokens back to the original blockchain they were migrating from. The team is currently calculating TAS rewards for users, and detailed instructions on how to utilize this feature will be released officially.

2. Leviatom Testnet Update: The Leviatom testnet will demonstrate the decentralized deployment of traditional Web 2.0 applications. Stay tuned for further announcements on this exciting development.

Thank You and Stay Connected!

The Trias team expresses its gratitude for the continued support and constructive feedback from the community members and partners. We remain committed to working diligently and providing regular updates. Join us in building a thriving NetX ecosystem!




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