How to stake with MetaMask?

3 min readMay 31, 2021

Trias Staking has been officially launched, Following is a guide to stake TRIAS with MetaMask.

Details about Trias Staking:

Install MetaMask and set the BSC main network

First, you should install MetaMask and set the BSC main network. Following is the guidance:

Buy TRIAS on Pancake

Secondly, you need to buy TRIAS on Pancake:


1、Enter Trias Staking page:

2、Click “Stake”,and click “Connection” to connect the wallet

3、Confirm in the wallet, and wait for the connection to complete

4、Click “Stake” again,input the staking amount and click “Approve”

5、Complete the confirmation in the wallet

6、Click “Confirm”

7、Your TRIAS has been successfully staked

8、You can check the staking amount in following area

9、You can review your staking on following website:

Transfer TRIAS manually to stake

Users can also use the wallet to transfer TRIAS directly to the staking address. Any wallet that supports BSC can transfer money. This tutorial uses MetaMask as an example. The operation of other wallets is similar. You can transfer directly to the Staking address to participate.

Staking Address:0xdc648a376C7017975ca359eA5024B7F7cB947b78

Note: If the amount of TRIAS transferred is less than 10, those TRIAS will be regarded as rewards rather than staking principal.

1、Enter the homepage of MetaMask wallet and click on the “TRIAS” asset;

2、Click “Send”;

3、Imput the staking address and the number of TRIAS you want to stake, and then click “Next”;

4、Confirm the relevant transaction information and click “Confirm”;

5、Wait for the transaction to complete.

6、You can review your staking on following website:

Withdraw staked TRIAS

Users can withdraw the staked TRIAS before the end of staking, and once withdrawing, you may not be able to get staking rewards.

Users who manually transfer TRIAS need to fill out a Google form to apply for withdrawing:

1、Click “Withdraw”

2、Click “Yes,start to withdraw TRIAS” on the following page

3、Complete the relevant confirmation in the wallet

4、Successfully withdraw staked TRIAS




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